Certified Public Accountant | Tax Advisor | Fachberaterin für Internationales Steuerrecht (German Certified Advisor for International Taxation)
Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) Bettina Ohlwein  |  Partner

Bettina Ohlwein, born in 1978, studied business law in Lüneburg at the Fachhochschule Nordostniedersachsen. After completing her studies, she worked for auditing and tax consulting companies in Munich and Hamburg. Following her tax advisor examination, she worked for Dierkes Partner in Hamburg and Lüneburg from 2008 to 2013. In 2015, she passed her German certified public accountant’s exam. Bettina Ohlwein has been advising clients for Dierkes Partner Lüneburg again since 2019. She works in the field of auditing and preparing annual and consolidated financial statements for companies of all sizes and legal forms. As a specialist advisor for international tax law, she also advises on both national and international tax law issues.

Service areas:

//  Preparation of annual and consolidated financial statements
//  Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements
//  Advice on tax law
//  Specialisation: International Tax Law
//  Specialisation: Transfer pricing

LocationDierkes Partner Lüneburg
SectorTax advice
Phone+49 - (0)4131 - 7499 - 58